Hector Suzanne

Table of Contents


Hi ! I’m Hector Suzanne, Ph.D. in computer science. I did my thesis under Pr. Emmanuel Chailloux at the APR team at LIP6, the computer science lab at Sorbonne Université. I was born in 1996 and fascinated by math and programming ever since. To contact me, send an email at hectorsuzanne@gmail.com (personal) or hector.suzanne@lip6.fr (professional).

PhD Thesis

Reusable resource analyses for high-level languages

New! The defended version of my manuscript is available, exclusively here!

My PhD research focuses on compile-time prediction of memory usage for programs written in functional-imperative style, following, amongst others, the technique of Automated Amortized Resource Analysis.

The approach is based on an intermediate representation for a virtual machine, with the following features:

  • Call-By-Push-Value: it allows both javascript- and Haskell-style functional programming, where evaluating data is done eagerly, and composing computations is done lazily. Those two polarities can be judiciously combined to encode efficient iterations and data processing workflows in an imperative style, which are compiled as purely functionnal programs for the VM.
  • Linear type system: Values can be shareable (freely duplicated, and memory managed) or linear (manually managed with move-copy semantics).
  • Type-level programming: its type inference engine works with SMT solvers following the Liquid types paradigm. A rudimentary solver for the first-order theory of uninterpreted symbols is available to deal with user-defined sorts and symbols.
  • (Defunctionalized-)continuation-passing-style: Contexts of evaluations are first-class data structures, and the analysis algorithms developed within AARA extend to those structures as well. Compared to previous AARA implementations, this allows for a streamlined type system that doesn’t have to track evaluation contexts in a ad-hoc manner.


“A reusable machine-calculus for automated resource analyses” with Emmanuel Chailloux PDF

An automated resource analysis technique is introduced, targeting a Call-By-Push-Value abstract machine, with memory prediction as a practical goal. The machine has a polymorphic and linear type system enhanced with a first-order logical fragment, which encodes both low-level operational semantics of resource manipulations and high-level synthesis of algorithmic complexity. Resource analysis must involve a diversity of static analysis, for escape, aliasing, algorithmic invariants, and more. Knowing this, we implement the Automated Amortized Resource Analysis framework (AARA) from scratch in our generic system. In this setting, access to resources is a state-passing effect which produces a compile-time approximation of runtime resource usage. We implemented type inference constraint generation for our calculus, accompanied with an elaboration of bounds for iterators on algebraic datatypes, for minimal ML-style programming languages with Call-by-Value and Call-By-Push-Value semantics. The closed-formed bounds are derived as multivariate polynomials over the integers. This now serves as a base for the development of an experimental toolkit for automated memory analysis of functional languages.



The end-goal of the PhD is do develop and validate theorically the language described above. The implementation I am currently building is called Autobill: it is auto-matic, computes the cost of programs (their bill), and is based on Intuitionistic Linear Logic.


Download my resume 🇺🇸 here. Mon CV en français est disponible 🇫🇷 ici.


  • 2021-Today: PhD at LIP6 on memory usage analysis through static typing for functional-imperative programming .
  • 2020-2021: Master’s in mathematics Logique, Mathématiques, et Fondements de l’Informatique at Université Paris Cité
  • 2018-2020: Master’s in computer science Sciences et Techniques do Logiciel at Sorbonne Université
  • 2016-2017: Licence in Computer Science at ENS Paris-Saclay
  • 2014-2016: “Prépa” MPSI-MP* at Lycée Descartes de Tours

Created: 2025-03-21 Fri 11:45